Friday's featured infographic: Breast cancer and cosmetics

While I'm fortunate enough to come from a line of women who haven't battled breast cancer, I have many loved ones who have a family history or who have crossed paths with breast cancer themselves. Current science seems to suggest a wide variety of potential causes of this and other cancers, and the known or suspected carcinogenic activity of cosmetics ingredients is just one possible area of concern. My personal approach to cancer prevention, however, is to steer clear of pretty much anything that can up my cancer risk, to the extend that I can afford to do so without financial fallout or too much stress/anxiety (it is so important to keep things in perspective).

I decided a long time ago that making some changes to my personal care products was something I could do relatively easily, and I've since tried to avoid the ingredients listed on this infographic. I feel especially motivated to cut certain chemicals out of my routine when I see that they've been banned in other countries (like food dyes). Take a look at your personal care products and see which of these culprits pop up on the labels. What products are hardest for you to find a nontoxic replacement for? Let me know and I'll do a little research and write a post just for you! You can also browse the body care section of the Harmless Home Amazon Shop, which gets fresh new products added regularly.

This infographic was put together by Naturally Fresh, a brand of deodorant that I haven't tried and so cannot personally endorse, but I always love seeing companies that create safe products, spread the nontoxic message, and cite their sources! KEGCUYP3NU7M


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I've spent 5+ years cleaning up my chemical act, first by researching conventional products and then by finding nontoxic solutions and making slow and steady changes. I blog about my past and current research, recommend products and DIY solutions, and present simple steps that can make a big difference in the health of your home. Harmless Home is a positive, non-judgmental place to share successes, concerns, and questions - If you're looking for entry-level ways to detox your lifestyle, then Harmless Home is for you. Welcome!