Six Simple Steps

Have you seen the news on toxic chemical exposure lately? In the past week, both CNN and Time have run articles on recent research that opens new questions about the potential neurotoxicity of untested chemicals in our everyday products. While most people might react negatively to this kind of news, I light up - I've been following this research for years and am thrilled to see it covered more fully by mainstream media. Instead of filling us with anxiety, we can let this information empower us to make smarter, healthier choices for our families. You don't have to live in fear and you don't have to start fresh and spend your savings on new green products - In fact, there are things you can do today without spending a single dollar that will decrease your exposure to harmful chemicals in your home. Here are six simple steps:

1. Open your windows! As I've mentioned before, indoor air pollution is many times worse than outdoor air pollution. Simply opening your windows for a few minutes each day, regardless of the weather, will refresh the air you breathe and decrease the pollution in your home. If you're ready to take it to the next level and spend a few dollars, invest in some houseplants! These plants will filter carcinogenic chemicals like formaldehyde (released by plywood or particleboard in furniture) out of your air, they look good doing it. If you have particular concerns about your air quality, either because a family member or neighbor smokes or because someone in your household has asthma or allergies, an air purifier might be the way to go - I like this affordable one by Holmes with this HEPA filter. You'll actually notice less dust in your room when you use this filter, which is fantastic since our primary exposure to toxic chemicals such as the flame retardants in our mattresses and couches comes through dust (a good reason to start healthy habits early and help your crawling babies wash their hands before they eat!).

2. Cleaning Products: Replace as you go - Instead of busting your budget by buying all new cleaning products today, continue to use up what you have and commit to replacing each item in your cleaning arsenal with something better when you run out. My favorite household sprays are our DIY cleaners, but if DIY isn't your thing, head to the natural section of your favorite store and pull up the EWG Healthy Cleaning Guide on your phone to find products that score higher than what you currently use.

3. Body Care: Replace as you go - Do the same thing with your body care products! Savor the smell of your favorite shampoo until the bottle is empty, then replace it with something free from artificial fragrances and other offenders - Use the EWG Skin Deep Cosmetics Database to find products that score well. My latest obsession is the Shea Moisture brand, sold at Target.

4. Reorganize your kitchen - In the kitchen, it is always better to choose wood, glass, or metal over plastic, something I wrote about in more depth here. Chances are you already have a mix of these materials in your kitchen - Reorganize your cupboards so that when you reach in to grab a container for your leftovers, you grab an empty glass spaghetti sauce jar instead of plastic tupperware. Eventually you may decide to ditch your plastic containers and buy some glass snapware (check Costco coupons for a good deal!), but for now, scooting the plastic to the back and making other containers more accessible is a fantastic start.

5. Reorganize your toy shelf (if applicable) - Similarly, wood or silicone toys are generally preferable to plastic ones. If you have tiny kids (this obviously might not be as effective with older kids), reorder their toys so they are more likely to grab a nontoxic toy off the shelf or out of the bin. I talk more about toys here.

6. Eat real food! Unfortunately, most prepackaged, processed food is filled with chemicals that have no place in the human body. I have several posts that look at specific food additives and their impact on our health, and there's a simple way to sidestep most of these additives with a single lifestyle change - Choose single-ingredient snacks over processed snacks. Instead of grabbing a granola bar, grab a banana. Munch on edamame instead of potato chips. Drink water. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid the aisles. Changing your diet takes time, but you'll start to feel the effects quickly. If you have a specific health concern, work with your doctor to pick one new nutrition goal, something like avoiding high fructose corn syrup. Then, focus on that goal with each food purchase - You may be surprised to find that salad dressing, bread, and even baby formula can contain high fructose corn syrup, but the great news is that right next to your favorite HFCS-containing bread there is likely another brand of bread that uses sugar, or better yet, honey. You'll quickly find shortcuts that let you shop stress-free and buy yummy, healthy foods without spending too much money - For example, I love to shop at Trader Joe's because their products never contain artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. This frees me from scanning every label, and their products are much more affordable than similar items at Whole Foods.

If you're new to Harmless Home, I'd recommend reading this post so you don't get overwhelmed by those CNN and Time articles :) We are constantly learning more about the impact of modern chemicals on our health, and it doesn't have to be a scary thing. Together we can use this information to create happy, harmless homes, and recognize that even replacing a single product or forming one new healthy habit is positive progress. Greening up your lifestyle is NOT an all-or-nothing endeavor - You can open a window, breathe in some fresh air, and relax knowing that you're making a difference in your health :)


*In this post, I've linked to products in the Harmless Home Amazon Shop, an storefront curated by me, filled with products that I use and love. I'll always let you know if there is a cheaper place to find any of the products I recommend. When you add items to your cart and check out via the Harmless Home shop, you'll be taken back to the main site and will make your purchase there, but a portion of the proceeds from your sale will support this blog. You pay prices, Amazon manages your order, and Harmless Home gets a little love - It's a win-win :) For free 2-day shipping, sign up for a 30-day trial of Amazon Prime here.


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I've spent 5+ years cleaning up my chemical act, first by researching conventional products and then by finding nontoxic solutions and making slow and steady changes. I blog about my past and current research, recommend products and DIY solutions, and present simple steps that can make a big difference in the health of your home. Harmless Home is a positive, non-judgmental place to share successes, concerns, and questions - If you're looking for entry-level ways to detox your lifestyle, then Harmless Home is for you. Welcome!