Featured resource: Skin Deep cosmetics database

The Environmental Working Group is one of my all-time favorite organizations championing the cause of clean nontoxic living. One of their best services is Skin Deep, a cosmetics database featuring safety information on over 65,000 products.

When you visit Skin Deep, search any brand, product or category to see detailed scorecards for every type of personal care product you can imagine. You can enter specific search terms like Aussie Mega Hair Spray or broader terms like deodorant. Products receive scores from 0 (great!) to 9 (not so great) and each individual ingredient within the product receives a score as well, along with a list of specific health concerns. For some products, information is limited, so you may occasionally see a score that is better than it would be if all the ingredients were listed (here's an example - see how only one ingredient is actually contributing to the score?). I pull this site up on my phone all the time in the aisle of the grocery store, so I'm super excited for this coming this fall! If the infographic in my last post left you concerned about some of your body care products, pull up Skin Deep and see how they score - You might want to replace the worst offender with something new next time you run out.


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I've spent 5+ years cleaning up my chemical act, first by researching conventional products and then by finding nontoxic solutions and making slow and steady changes. I blog about my past and current research, recommend products and DIY solutions, and present simple steps that can make a big difference in the health of your home. Harmless Home is a positive, non-judgmental place to share successes, concerns, and questions - If you're looking for entry-level ways to detox your lifestyle, then Harmless Home is for you. Welcome!