Where to start?

If you are just starting to learn about the ill effects of household chemical exposure, you might be feeling pretty overwhelmed. Trying to detox your home can easily become a fear-based, anxiety-ridden, expensive and time-consuming endeavor - if you let it. On the other hand, you can also choose to take things slow, making changes little by little and reminding yourself along the way that every new fact you learn and small improvement that you make will add up over time to a wealth of health for you and your family. Instead of being fear-based, this journey can be empowering! Keep in mind that you're alive and well in your home as it currently stands - Any improvements that you make to your status quo are wonderful bonuses. If you are just getting started and want to take the slow, steady, stress-free approach, here are a few ideas:

  • Go open a window! According to the EPA, "indoor levels of pollutants may be 2 to 5 times - and occasionally more than 100 times - higher than outdoor pollutant levels." Chances are, you can't replace every source of pollutants in your home today, but you can open a window today and every day!
  • Grow a houseplant - NASA uses regular houseplants to improve air quality in space stations! Two powerful filtering plants that are easy to care for are spider plants and peace lilies, and I always recommend an aloe vera plant in each bedroom if you want fresh oxygen all night long! Click here for a list of NASA-approved plants that filter out toxic chemicals like benzene and formaldehyde, known carcinogens that get into our homes in many forms, including furniture glues and paints, cleaning products, and even personal care products. 
  • Replace with better - Decide today that whenever you run out of something (laundry detergent, mascara, peanut butter, whatever), you'll make an effort to replace it with something that is a little bit better. This way, you won't need to do a ton of research or spend a bunch of money all at once, and you won't waste the products you currently have. You'll also have a little time to say goodbye to your most loved but not-so-safe products :) Upcoming posts will detail how exactly to find something better when you get to that point!
  • Pick a category - Tackle one thing at a time by deciding to detox a single area of your life before you even start to consider anything else. Maybe you want to start with baby products, snack food, or household cleaners. You could also move through your house one room at a time - Bathroom cleaners and shower products, then kitchen sprays and the food in your fridge, then living room air quality. My next post will have a few easy info sheets broken down by category - Pick one to focus on and save the rest for later!
  • Get informed - You might choose to become a student of healthy living first. Take a little time each week to read blogs like this one (or check out the source articles if you're interested in science) and make a few notes for your future self. Figure out what stores in your area have the best prices on the nontoxic products you'll want for your new life. Then, put together an action plan that suits your lifestyle, with short-term and long-term goals. 
  • Find a buddy! Chances are high that at least one other person in your life is also new to the chemical clean-up process. Band together to make or buy some new cleaning products or make a trip to Goodwill with any extra plastic toys or tupperware that you can live without. The process will almost certainly be less stressful and more exciting if you've got a friend by your side.
I'm so excited for you! Your home is about to become an even more peaceful, healthy place than it already is. Your body and your planet will thank you!



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I've spent 5+ years cleaning up my chemical act, first by researching conventional products and then by finding nontoxic solutions and making slow and steady changes. I blog about my past and current research, recommend products and DIY solutions, and present simple steps that can make a big difference in the health of your home. Harmless Home is a positive, non-judgmental place to share successes, concerns, and questions - If you're looking for entry-level ways to detox your lifestyle, then Harmless Home is for you. Welcome!